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G^M relies on volunteers in order to keep the program free and accessible. Whether you are a parent or school hoping to bring G^’M to you, or a high school student interested in being a mentor or joining our operations team, click below to see how you can get involved today!

Get Involved

Become a Mentor

Responsibilites of a Mentor

Vous avez un rôle très important en tant que mentor. Votre propre amour des mathématiques inspirera ces jeunes filles. Les participantes se souviendront de vous et du plaisir qu'elles ont eu à participer à Girls to the Power of Math. Vous êtes leur modèle.

Qualities of a Mentor

A good mentor will have the following qualities:

-Good organization and punctuality

-Strong communication skills - with adults and with children

-Adaptability to think on your feet and react to the students’ needs and levels of understanding

-A love of math

How to Apply

We are always looking for more people to get involved with us! If being a mentor interests you apply at the link below. We are also always looking for people to join our operations team. More information about the process is available on the application form. We look forward to reviewing your application!


Amenez G^M à votre école

Are you an elementary school looking to start a Girls to the Power of Math program at your school? We would love to work with you. Click below to review the program outline, then connect with us!


Sub Title

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Bring G^M to your child's school

We would love to run a program at your school. The first step is to get in touch with us and your school's principal! Contact us and let us know where you're located. We look forward to working with you!


Want to Support G^M?

We are a registered non-profit foundation and we rely on grants and donations to stay running. We appreciate your support. We are unable to issue tax receipts at this time.

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